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Introduction to CBT Informed Practice

This 2-day workshop is an introduction to developing a CBT informed practice approach for
a range of presentations, in range of settings (primary & secondary services). The workshop has a combination of theoretical teaching, demonstrations of the skills and opportunities to practice in small groups. The workshop is recommended for practitioners new to the model of CBT, or who wish to refresh and update their existing CBT skills. A comprehensive workbook is provided for participants to continue to use their skills on completion of the training.

Learn the basics of CBT to inform your everyday practice

- Overview of the fundamental model and structure of CBT
- The guiding principles of CBT and the therapeutic stance of the practitioner
- The rationale and skills for common behavioural and cognitive interventions
- The skills in formulation (conceptualisation), core to the model of CBT
- The importance of the therapeutic alliance and inter-personal effectiveness
- A review of relapse prevention, uncovering the person’s strengths and building their

The workshop covers:

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